Aditya Thakur speaking at NIT Hamirpur

How to get your First Internship as a Flutter Developer?

Story of my First Flutter Internship

I had only recently followed the company. It was an ed-tech startup. In a day or two, the co-founder put out a post mentioning that they were hiring for multiple roles. And, one of the roles was that of a Flutter Developer.

I had never interned before. I hadn’t even completed the course that I had taken up on Flutter. My knowledge was limited to the front end and in that too, I could only make simple designs. I was just getting started.

The thought that it might be too early to apply kept echoing in my head. Two things could happen, I could be rejected badly, maybe even insulted but at the same time, there was a chance that they select me and I get to test out my skills, learn and level up. Thank god it was the latter!

I commented like a devoted LinkedIn user, ‘INTERESTED’ under the post.

Two days later, I was on a call with the co-founder. They even had me talk to the guy managing their app, who was to be my coordinator later. The guy told me how the co-founder had loved my profile although he in his heart knew, I had very limited knowledge of Flutter.

It is important to point out, I had optimized my profile with whatever little I could. Since I was only at the start of my second year then, I had highlighted my experience from the school itself. Not particularly in Flutter but in soft skills like leadership, communication, etc.

I also put up a video demonstration of two projects that I had done then. One was a simple portfolio app (with an avatar image and my name under it) and the second was a dice app. Both are really really basic but anyway got me the offer letter in a week.

The offer was unpaid. It was originally a 2-month internship, but I knew I wouldn’t do something for so long for free. I had also spoken to my friends who had previously worked as interns in different sectors. The experience of technical internship that I needed could be done in a month. I negotiated the same with the employer and shortened the period to a month.

However much I may say such internships are bad, the first ever that I did was unpaid. I believe I lacked experience and guidance back then. Today, I am at a place with multiple offers and ongoing projects.

I have tried to help Flutter developers I know with offers and also built up a community to guide anyone who is just getting started.

We are around a 1800+ developer community on Discord, which you can learn more about here.

I post internships that I come across, resources to learn Flutter, Data Science, Python, etc from, offers, upgrades, and more!

How to find your First Flutter Internship?

Securing your first internship is a crucial step towards launching your career and gaining practical experience in your field of interest. Follow this comprehensive guide to navigate the process of finding your first internship successfully.

Define Your Goals and Interests

Begin by defining your career goals and interests, allowing you to focus your efforts on relevant opportunities. Conduct thorough research and explore various companies, organizations, and industries that align with your objectives.

Polish Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile

Craft a compelling resume that highlights your relevant skills, experiences, and academic achievements. Tailor your resume to match the requirements of the internship you are applying for. Also, optimize your LinkedIn profile to showcase your professional interests, skills, and experiences. Consider including a concise summary and any relevant projects or coursework you have completed.

Leverage Your Network

Leverage your network by connecting with professionals in your desired industry through platforms like LinkedIn, attending career fairs, and joining student organizations. Tap into online job boards and internship platforms such as LinkedIn Jobs, and Indeed to discover new opportunities. Additionally, research specific companies of interest and reach out directly to inquire about potential internship openings.

Utilize local resources such as incubators, accelerators, and innovation hubs, as they often offer internship programs in collaboration with local businesses. Prepare diligently for interviews by researching the company, practicing common interview questions, and highlighting your willingness to learn and contribute.

Be Flexible and Open-minded

Be flexible and open-minded, considering opportunities that provide relevant experience, even if they are not with your dream company or in your preferred industry.

Follow Up and Stay Persistent

Follow up with employers after interviews and stay persistent in your search, continuing to apply and network actively.

Seek feedback from employers if you receive rejections and use their insights to improve your future applications. Remember, finding your first internship is a learning experience, and each step contributes to your professional growth. Stay focused, determined, and open to new opportunities.

By following these steps, you can enhance your chances of securing a valuable first internship and setting a solid foundation for your career.



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